Heraldry is an important part of the Correllian Tradition. By Heraldry we mean the distinctive symbols, or sigils, used to identify Shrines, Temples, and people within the Tradition.
Every Shrine and Temple has its own heraldic sigil, which represents it. These can be seen on our Structure and Temple pages.
In addition many individual Correllians also have vision symbols which are used as personal sigils. These vision symbols are based directly upon spiritual visions, or upon other symbols which represent the individual.
Members of the Witan Council display their personal sigils on the Clavis of their state robes. Other Correllians may have personal sigils but do not display them in the state robes -they may however display their sigils in other ways.
Below are the banners of a number of our Correllian High Clergy.
Heraldry is an important part of the Correllian Tradition. By Heraldry we mean the distinctive symbols, or sigils, used to identify Shrines, Temples, and people within the Tradition.
Every Shrine and Temple has its own heraldic sigil, which represents it. These can be seen on our Structure and Temple pages.
In addition many individual Correllians also have vision symbols which are used as personal sigils. These vision symbols are based directly upon spiritual visions, or upon other symbols which represent the individual.
Members of the Witan Council display their personal sigils on the Clavis of their state robes. Other Correllians may have personal sigils but do not display them in the state robes -they may however display their sigils in other ways.
Below are the banners of a number of our Correllian High Clergy.

Sigil of the Chancellor and First Priest, M. Rev. Donald Lewis
Of the Correll Mother Temple and Holy City Temple

Sigil of the elder First Priestess, M. Rev. Krystel High-Correll
Of the Correll Mother Temple and Dancers of Shakti Temple

Sigil of the First Director, Rt. Rev. Ser Jason Highcorrell
Of PURE Sanctuary Temple, Herald to the Chancellor
Sigil of the First Director, Rt. Rev. Ser Jason Highcorrell
Of PURE Sanctuary Temple, Herald to the Chancellor

Sigil of Blv. Windy Lajoie, former First Elder of the Tradition
Of Hooded Crone Shrine
Now among the Beloved Ancestors

Sigil of Elder Rt. Rev. Raene Packery
Of Clan of Kheper Temple and Clan of Mafdet Temple

Sigil of the Blv. LaVeda Lewis-Highcorrell, former Regent of Tradition,
Of the Correll Mother Temple
Now among the Beloved Ancestors

Sigil of High Priest Rev. Richard Keen
Of Spiral Light of South Florida Temple

Sigil of High Priestess Rev. Virginia Powell
Of Selu Temple
Now among the Beloved Ancestors